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N6ACA's ham shack

If for some reason you want to find out more about me check out my biograpy or read my blog(which has not been recently updated).

If you end up on this page and are interested in what amateur or "ham" radio is take a look at these videos that I would recommend:

Here is some more info on my QTH (click here)

Here is a list of things that are on my mind.  (Hamtastic - click here)

I started out in ham radio mainly interested in APRS and VHF modes.  Over the last year I've become active on hunting and activating POTA and SOTA sites, on both SSB phone and digital modes. 

When I was first licensed, I was operating my truck as a mobile APRS setup using a few different pieces of inexpensive hardware. I occasionally install a temporary setup in different vehicles when I want to play around with the hardware, but I do not have a permanent setup right now.  I'm slowly working on a permanent rooftop HF setup at my QTH. With attic based dipoles and wire antennas I have had significant success on digital from 80 to 10m, but it turns out that you can work some decent DX SSB on 20/17/15/12/10m with just some basic wires.

Here is my QRZ logbook:
(I am also on LOTW)

You can see my activity on digital modes and propagation reports to/from my house:

You can see the position of this vehicle through these websites:

Here are some Amateur Radio related pages that I've written: